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How Energy Storage Technologies are Empowering Renewable Energy
GreenpediaAlternative energyEnergy planningGreen transition
The transition to renewable energy requires innovation and collective change. The role of energy storage solves the problem of intermittent wind and solar power.
18.01.24, 13:52
Green Energy: advantages and examples
GreenpediaBiomass energyGreen transitionSolar energyWind energy
Green energy plays a key role in the energy transition due to its low environmental impact. But what is green energy? What are its advantages?
28.12.23, 08:53
Progress on energy efficiency must double to meet global climate goals
For businessDecarbonizationEnergy efficiencyGreen transition
Global annual improvement of 4% would put us on track to reach net zero by 2050.
21.12.23, 10:25
How Does Solar Work?
GreenpediaGreen transitionSolar energy
The amount of sunlight that strikes the earth's surface in an hour and a half is enough to handle the entire world's energy consumption for a full year.
15.12.23, 11:24
Heat pumps perform successfully across Europe – New consumer analysis
GreenpediaAlternative heat supplyDecarbonizationGreen transition
Heat pumps and solar heating systems provide comfort and satisfaction in Europe. According to a study, 88% of users are satisfied with the transition to renewable heating.
23.11.23, 13:43
Capturing CO2 with electricity: A microbial enzyme inspires electrochemistry
GreenpediaAlternative energyDecarbonizationGreen transition
Scientists from the Institute of Marine Microbiology have developed an effective enzyme that converts atmospheric CO2 into pure formaldehyde.
08.11.23, 12:43
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